Attention Rick Snyder
An open letter to Michigan Governor Rick Snyder:
You don't know me. I'm just a factory worker in Toledo, OH.
Let's face it, Rick. If you were anyone else, besides the governor of the state of Michigan, you'd be in jail right now. If me, or any other common citizen, caused over 10 deaths, and poisoned a whole city, we'd never get out of jail again. You should be grateful, that you live in the United States, a country with a very unfair justice system. A country that values politicians, and wealthy people, more than they value thousands of poor citizens.
So, here's the deal Rick. The whole city of Flint, MI has been poisoned by their water supply. You knew about it a long time ago. You could have stopped it much sooner. Never mind the fact, that the people who made the decision to change the water supply source, were people under your employ.
Because of that water switch, 10 people have died, and thousands of human beings have been poisoned with lead. Lead is particularly bad for children. Their exposure can never truly be reversed.
The people of Flint have been unable to drink their tap water since October of last year. Just to show how classy you, and other politicians are, you are now threatening to shut off the water to residents who haven't paid their water bills. Real classy Ricky. Sell people poison, then punish them for not paying for it.
In the meantime, several dozen national guard members have been handing out water, filters, and testing kits. You asked the federal government to help bail the people out of the mess, a mess that you are directly responsible for. I've read reports that, even though you've switched the water supply back to the original one, that the water pipe infrastructure in Flint is still contaminated. Reports are that it will take $1.5 billion to fix. Ironically enough, there is a half billion dollar rainy day fund in Michigan. One would think, that after you have admitted that you knew about the problem long ago, after failing to step in and do your fucking job, after hearing that every resident has been poisoned, after hearing that at least 10 people have died, you would step up and order that rainy day fund to be used, to immediately begin repairing the situation. But, you haven't. You haven't, because you are a scumbag, and a coward. You are a miserable excuse for a man.
On the assembly line, in the plant that I work in, we'd call you a piece of shit. By the way, you might like to know, that the folks that work in my plant, have been taking donations, to help buy water for the people of Flint. You know why that's significant? Because these workers, my coworkers, are members of the United Auto Workers. Yes, fucking union members. Remember when you passed the Right to Work laws in Michigan a few years back? Remember when the politicians in Michigan snuck that in at the last minute, then illegally locked out the people who were trying to protest it? Welcome to America motherfucker, the land of the free. You locked the fucking union out, and passed a law that severely limits their power. The same fucking unions that helped build the state that you govern.
That's basically America in a nutshell Ricky. You, as governor of Michigan, shit all over union folks. Then, when you help poison a whole city, many of those same union people, willingly pull money out of their pockets, to help those people out. It's no wonder the general population hates politicians. We're always the ones that wind up paying, when you fuck up.
Basically, this is my proposal for fixing the situation. You immediately resign. Tonight. Do it during your state of the state address. There is no other option. You fucked up Ricky. Then, you take all of that $200 million net worth that you have, and you donate every penny of it to the people of Flint. Every. Single. Penny. Sell your vacation house. Sell your personal residence. You can try to support your family on your governor's pension. I know, you won't have the same lifestyle that you had as chairman of the board of Gateway Computers, but seriously, whatever apartment you wind up renting, is better than the fucking state prison that you belong in.
You may have detected, that I hold you in great disdain. You are correct Ricky. You see, the population of Flint is primarily minority, and underprivileged. In other words, they are exactly the people that you, as Governor, should be looking out for. But you didn't. You poisoned them, and when state officials warned you about the lead in the water, you had them fired.
Here's to hoping that you're in an orange jumpsuit in time for next years State of the State address.
Signed, a proud union member, that gladly pitched in a few bucks to help the people of Flint.
Dan Denton
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