Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Perfectly Good Bad Mood

So today, I was enjoying a perfectly good, bad mood.  There wasn't any particular reason for being in a bad mood.  I slept well last night, and longer than normal.  Life is going spectacularly well.  My bowels have been moving regularly.  The cats are healthy.  Nevertheless, I found myself in the midst of a "blah" feeling day. 

At some point this morning, I identified the way that I felt.  I tried to change it.  I thought some happy thoughts.  I talked to some of my co-workers about the mood.  I listened to some happy music.  I mentioned the mood to my wife, via text message.  She offered some ideas on how to shake it.  Nothing worked.  I knew that I should keep looking for some good feelings, but I gave in and just accepted that I'd spend the day in a foul mood. 

Then I went to lunch and I read some positive things on Facebook.  A friend posted a meme saying something to the affect of "Your problems happen because life doesn't look like the picture you have of life in your head."  That hit home a little.  I saw something else that struck a chord too, although I can't remember what it was.  Then I felt guilty about being in a bad mood.  I hate it when things ruin a perfectly good, bad mood. 

My mood did change as the afternoon wore on.  I found some humor at work.  I got distracted from focusing on how I felt and it wound up being a good day. 

I suppose that is really the secret to feeling "blah."  If I don't pay much attention to it, it will usually pass.  When I feed into it, it tends to hang around longer. 

Now, don't get me twisted (how do you like that modern lingo kids?) I rather enjoy a good, bad mood.  By that, I mean that those moods that are gloomy, but not unhealthily so, are natural.  In the absence of really good prescriptions, most humans experience a mood that is less than unadulterated joy upon occasion.  I catch one at least once a week.  It rarely lasts all day.  I don't worry about it too much. 

I did however find it funny, that I would feel guilty about it today.  Sometimes it's shitty having so many positive friends.  Who do they think they are, ruining a bad mood.  A man can't even feel comfortable in one, without someone coming along and making him feel guilty about it. 

Thanks for nothing, you sunshine-y, rainbow producing, unicorn riding, perpetually smiling assholes. 


At May 3, 2015 at 8:01 PM , Blogger Mark Hollyday said...


Love it


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