We're All Robots
This morning I heard Miranda Lambert's newest single "Little Red Wagon" on the radio. It pushed me over the fucking edge. It's one of the worst songs that I've ever heard, the worst case of the homogenized, commercialized, plastic, unoriginal pop music, mass production factory offerings. I wanted to smash my fist through the radio, snatch the recording microphone away from Miranda and fling that motherfucker into the god damned frozen Maumee River. Trust me, there are bottom feeding carp in that fucking river, that can record more original music, than anything being produced for mainstream radio.
As my blood pressure settled back to its normal pre-hypertension levels, I began to observe the world around me through a different filter, a new theoretical philosophy. What if we aren't capable of original thought? What if somehow, in the course of evolution, we've become programmed to think and act in a certain manner? What if the crazy, fundamentalist Christians and the whack-o conspiracy theorists were right and the world government has secretly implanted a computer chip in all of us? Once upon a time, I would have never subscribed to any of these theories, but now it's the only thing that makes sense. It's the only thing that can possibly explain the total lack of creativity, the death of originality in our world.
What good is it, to be a free people, when we mindlessly follow whatever is crammed in our faces? This is a fact of evolution; humans have become increasingly lazy. It's easier to wake up everyday and just simply go about our daily routines, than it is to make an effort to form original thoughts. Americans go to work. They come home and sit in front of televisions, that subscribe to cable services, that predetermine which channels they can watch and which ones they can't. They watch bullshit programs that are basically the same as every other program. At any given time, there are at least 14 police/detective programs airing in circulation. As of 2010, there have been at least 320 different reality television shows.
In the course of a week, the average American will spend 22 hours and 24 minutes on social media sites and five hours and 42 minutes reading. We are coming full circle as human beings, transitioning into cavemen with great technology. In the near future we'll simply use 12 different Facebook memes to communicate, while we sip our fake sugared diet colas, eat our 800 calorie fast food burgers, while we watch the 76th different spin off of CSI.
Wake the fuck up people. Stop buying shitty music just because the radio plays it. Stop watching stupid fucking reality TV shows, just because it's easier to sit our ever expanding asses in a comfortable chair and be entertained than it is to actually pick up a fucking book.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the imminent death of the arts. Art is fucking dying because you keep spending your fucking money on Taylor Swift singles, on Thomas Kinkade prints, at chain restaurants, on whatever ad Facebook conveniently places in your news feed. Art is fucking dying, because original thought is dying. Original thought is dying, because we've allowed ourselves to become fucking robots, simply consuming whatever is put in front of us.
The lack of originality drives me fucking insane. It is the single most hated thing in my life. Whenever I feel like I'm stuck in a rut, or routine, I will go out of my way to do everything different. I'll take a different route to work in the morning. I'll listen to a different radio station, to different music while I'm at work. Or I'll shut the music off while at work, and try to engage my coworkers in intelligent conversation. That only works if I can convince them to talk about anything other than football. The point is, that too many people, for far too long, have followed a routine, until we've allowed our world to become routine. What good is living in a free country, when we all mindlessly follow the man?
I am and always have been attracted to anything that is different. You know what first caught my attention when I met my wife? Besides the fact that she's exquisitely beautiful? She's different. She's a contradiction. She's creative. She reads books. She's everything that I've ever craved in life. In fact, we spent most of our first date talking about these very things. Yes, this will embarrass the hell out of her and she'll stubbornly disagree with some of it. Also, she makes really good meatloaf. I'm talking the best meatloaf I've ever had the pleasure of eating. And, I love her. And, this is my column and I don't have an editor (she usually helps edit, but we'll surprise her with this one.) Anyway, she's uncompromisingly unique, and I love that about her.
Fight back against mindlessness. Put the super sized diet cola with the fake sugar down. Do something different, anything different. Don't do something just because everyone else is doing it. Think for yourself. Be yourself. Fuck everything else. Unplug the fucking microchip. Stop being a goddamn robot. Go forth and think. I know it's hard sometimes, but the entire course of our future world depends on our ability to do it.
*Writer's note: After she read the column, she did have a few pertinent editing tips and I have followed her advice.