...and the Sun was Angry.
The sun is the most powerful force of energy, for all of life on our planet. It is the center of our universe, everything in our solar system revolves around it. Without the sun there is no Earth. I had the pleasure of interviewing the sun recently, via satellite phone. Once worshiped by a large percentage of the Earth's population, the sun has become an afterthought to many of us, and I wanted to ask him about these topics.
Dan: Hi Sun. Thank you for granting me this first of it's kind interview. How are you today?
Sun: You're welcome. I'm ok, feeling largely ignored lately, but I'm ok.
D: You were once worshiped and revered by many cultures on Earth. Today, most religions ignore your importance. Would you care to discuss this?
S: Sure. Up until a couple of hundred years ago, a large percentage of humans recognized my importance in your universe. Ancient Egyptians, ancient European religions, Greek and Roman mythology, all considered me a god, and rightfully so. I am more powerful than anything the Earth has ever seen. The Mayans, the Aztecs and even Native Americans held ceremonies to honor me. These people took care of your Earth, honored your land. You humans have based your calendar and your time upon me. You even named a day of the week after me. As your technology has become more advanced, people have honored me less and began to rely more and more on your own intelligence. Nobody respects your lands anymore. Few people recognize my importance. People are only interested in harvesting my solar power to fuel your technologies. Even that is being hampered by greedy men, men who control other energy sources from your Earth.
D: How does all of this make you feel?
S: Thank you for asking Dan. I don't think anyone has cared how the Sun feels, not in a really long time. It all makes me angry. It is frustrating to watch greedy human beings strip your lands of valuable resources. It is frustrating that so few people honor me any more. I feel ignored, unwanted, unappreciated. I am the most powerful force in your universe. Does no one care about me any longer?
D: I suppose no one has considered that you could be angry.
S: Why can't I be angry? Have you not noticed how drastically your climate has changed in the past few hundred years? Polar ice caps melting? Radical storms and weather events? Do you know who's behind all of that? Me! I control the wind, the temperature, your seasons! And no one stops to ask why these things are happening? Of course they don't. If enough people stop to ask questions, the wealthy men in control of your Earth's resources will come under scrutiny. But this can't last forever. Ultimately, me, the Sun, is more powerful than all of the accumulated wealth on your planet.
D: Wow things must look really bad from your angle.
S: It's much worse than any of your conspiracy theorists can dream. Scientists have no idea. Not even the ones who aren't owned by governments and big business. I can only withhold my anger for so long. I will not be ignored forever. Yes, I control forever too. If I burn out, humanity is through.
D: That's a scary thought.
S: It should be terrifying. I'm the center of your universe. Without me, you are nothing.
D: That does sound godlike.
S: You think? Modern man scoffs at the outdated notion of worshiping me. Your native peoples and their beliefs are studied and ignored, but those people and I got along well.
D: Are you saying that we should worship you?
S: I think you should at least respect me. I have the power to squash the Earth. One solar outburst of a temper tantrum upsets all of your electronic equipment. I've done it a few times, but it's merely a minor inconvenience to you. I don't care what you worship, although I would point out that you can see me. I actually exist. Stay outside too long during your summer months and I will burn you. Plant flowers and I will help them grow.
Have you not realized the importance I have, even on your emotions? Seasonal affective disorder? If there isn't enough of me in your life, you get depressed. I make people happy. I like to see people happy.
D: Are you saying that no other gods exist?
S: Sure. Many gods exist. Your moon controls the oceans. Your Earth is a god. It contains much power inside of it.
D: Are we worshiping the wrong gods?
S: None of the gods of the universe demand worship! Humans and their need to bow to something is crazy. The moon and I laugh at it all of the time. No, but we need your respect. Without your respect, your attention, your care, we will destroy your planet over time.
D: How do we show you our respect?
S: Well, humans would have to stop destroying us first. Stop destroying your ozone layer. Stop destroying your planet's fresh water. Stop mining all her material because of greed. Damn it! The greed of humanity is the one thing that aggravates me the most. Humans are a weird bunch of people. You will destroy yourselves.
D: There are people trying to warn of climate change, of impending demise because of our actions.
S: Sure, but no one listens. I'm the most powerful force in nature, but I can't make you guys stop destroying nature. There's too much money in destroying your planet. Until you guys stop placing so much importance on wealth, your solar system will continue to slowly die.
D: We're running out of time. I've got some errands to run. Any last words?
S: I know that you have some errands to run with your wife Dan. Be good to her. She is one of the good one's, the good humans. She has a strong connection with me. This is why she enjoys Summer so much. You too, by the way. Write my story. Tell people that I'm angry. They won't listen, but you'll always know that I'm around to help your planet, at least for as long as humans allow me to be around.
D: Thank you for giving me your time.
S: You're welcome.
* Writer's note: This piece is entirely a piece of fiction. The views expressed here are not necessarily endorsed by the Sun. But with all good fiction, there is a lot of truth.