The Truth About Memorial Day
Memorial Day. It's the day we honor the military men and women that died while fighting for our country. Not to be confused with Veterans Day, the day we celebrate all veterans.
Many people know that I have a lot of strong political views, but now is not the time for political grandstanding. The one thing that Americans should always do, no matter your political beliefs, is honor those that have died while serving. I'm a proponent of peace, but still, I respect veterans.
This is the message that I want to convey on this Memorial Day. Barack Obama, and our elected representatives do not get to celebrate this day. Fuck them. Not when hundreds of veterans commit suicide every year. Not when thousands of veterans are struggling with PTSD, and other health issues that are going untreated, because lets be honest, America is a country that is quick to send our young men and women into war zones, but we don't take care of them once they return home.
Not when we live in a country that has programs like the Wounded Warrior, which should be entirely unnecessary. You fight for our country, you should have your needs met for the rest of your life. Why would we need a non-profit to build wheelchair ramps for veterans with no legs? Why wouldn't our country take care of those things? Not to mention the fact that the Wounded Warrior project recently underwent changes in leadership, because those at the top were mishandling money. Yes, we live in a country were people are so ate up by greed, that they will misappropriate money donated for disabled veterans.
Lets take it one step further, can we really claim to support our troops, when we keep electing leaders that send them into wars based on lies, and profit? I mean, maybe if you voted for George W. Bush, you should write a heartfelt apology to all the troops that have served in Afghanistan, and Iraq. Hell, Barack Obama is no better. He promised to end those wars, yet I keep hearing the news that more of our service members are getting killed.
Ok. Fuck it. Let's go all of the way. If you vote for Hillary, or Donald Trump, you're not allowed to talk about how much you support our servicemen and women. Your words are hollow, because you keep electing the same fucking people, that make more dead, and wounded veterans.
All I'm really asking, is take a look at what's going on around us. Before you post that meme on Facebook about supporting our troops, think about who you voted for, and how they've treated our veterans. Think about who you plan to vote for in November, and ask yourself if that candidate really cares about our military men and women.