Calling All Right-to-Lifers
On Monday September 21st, a right to life group staged an event against Planned Parenthood. They urged thousands of people to call Planned Parenthood offices to schedule mammograms. The point they were trying to make, is that Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms at all. They have apparently missed the point, that Planned Parenthood offers REFERRALS for free and low cost mammograms.
Republicans, right wing Christians and other right to lifers, are attempting to yank Planned Parenthood's federal funding, in an effort to prevent abortions. Never mind the FACT that abortions make up 3% of what PP provides. The free and low cost mammogram REFERRALS, coupled with Pap tests and cervical cancer screenings, make up 14%. Contraception makes up about 33.5% and testing for sexually transmitted infections is about 38%. These are all wonderful services that every community benefits from.
So without further ado, here are my top 10 suggestions for things Right to Lifers should do, instead of trying to destroy an agency that's provided necessary medical help for almost 100 years.
1. Organize a clothing donation drive at your church. The average American throws away 65 pounds of clothing a year. This is incredibly bad for our environment, you know with landfills overflowing and all. So this is what I want you to do. Make some fliers. Provide some donation boxes. Ask members of your church to donate their clean, used and unwanted clothing. Then select a Saturday, invite poor and homeless folks from your community to come and pick out FREE clothing. It's a win, win. Landfills are spared AND homeless people are clothed. You know, because that Jesus guy sure seemed to care a lot about the less fortunate.
2. Provide free seminars for community members interested in adoption. There are currently over 100,000 children living in foster homes that are eligible for adoption. You want to call yourself a right to lifer? Then spend a little time and money, encouraging community members to help make life better for children that are actually living.
3. Feed the hungry. It's estimated that there are 16,000,000 kids in America that do not get the proper amount of food everyday. All that money that is being donated to your favorite right to life group? Stop it. Stop spending money in an attempt to take away a woman's right to choose. Go donate money, or food, to your local food pantry.
4. You want to campaign congress to make a real difference in our communities? How about organizing an effort to get our elected officials to take better care of our veterans? You know all of those wars that we fight? Combat veterans come home from those wars and most never get the proper medical and mental health care that they need. While you're wearing shirts emblazoned with the American flag, and spouting off about how patriotic you are, millions of veterans are struggling. Go do something about that shit.
Fuck. Maybe 10 things was a little too ambitious. You get the point, right?
Seriously, there are so many things in life to be upset about. The fact that women have a safe, medically sound clinic available to meet their health needs, is never, NEVER, one of those things.
While we're at it. Go get laid. It's been medically proven that regular sex helps lower stress, lower the risk of heart attack, helps you sleep better and boosts your immune system. Besides, everyone knows that those that get laid regularly are less cunty. Don't be cunty my friends.
4. You want to campaign congress to make a real difference in our communities? How about organizing an effort to get our elected officials to take better care of our veterans? You know all of those wars that we fight? Combat veterans come home from those wars and most never get the proper medical and mental health care that they need. While you're wearing shirts emblazoned with the American flag, and spouting off about how patriotic you are, millions of veterans are struggling. Go do something about that shit.
Fuck. Maybe 10 things was a little too ambitious. You get the point, right?
Seriously, there are so many things in life to be upset about. The fact that women have a safe, medically sound clinic available to meet their health needs, is never, NEVER, one of those things.
While we're at it. Go get laid. It's been medically proven that regular sex helps lower stress, lower the risk of heart attack, helps you sleep better and boosts your immune system. Besides, everyone knows that those that get laid regularly are less cunty. Don't be cunty my friends.